招弟薪創事業有限公司 設立於100年3月3日。招弟是~ 一個女子疼惜一個女人,而開啟另一段夢想的旅程!
Recreating the nostalgic mom’s taste
When a woman cherishes another woman, they embark on a journey of dreams and aspirations!
The rich history of Yuanli, Miaoli is concealed on the sunny, loving face.
Named after her mother, “JaoDi” has recreated the memorable warmth of hometown during childhood,
Where natural local produce and diligence are transformed into simple happiness that is meant to be shared with the world.
Come on! Let’s eat,
Just like mother’s kind words by the kitchen stove~
JaoDi, the most authentic local souvenir in Taiwan, will let you experience the friendly, brisk vivacity that is hidden beneath the innocent smile and down-to-earth rusticity.
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